The perfect blend of sweet and savory is hidden in this Iranian cuisine!

Want to give this recipe a try? Here is the step-by-step persian rice recipe shared by our lovely sister, Atena!
What You Need:
2 cups basmati rice (long grain)
1/4 teaspoon saffron (ground)
1 cup dried barberries
2 teaspoons sugar
5 tablespoons salt
6 tablespoons melted unsalted butter
1 medium potato
Put rice in a large bowl of cold water; wash with your hands to release starch then drain, repeat until water runs clear.
Add 3 tablespoons of salt to the rice and soak for at least 1 hour.
While the rice soaks, fill a pot with 3 quarts of water and let it boil, add rice to boiling water and cook rice until softened (but make sure it is still a little crunchy)
Drain rice in a colander and rinse under lukewarm water, let rice sit in the colander until it drains fully
Peel and cut potato into quarter inch slices.
Add a little bit of oil to the bottom of the pot and arrange potato slices on the bottom of the pot.
Add rice to the pot over the potatoes, poke several holes through the ice so that steam can escape.
Pour the melted butter over the rice and put it on the stove with the lid on top; with a very low setting on your stove.
Allow your rice to cook for approximately 1 hour. While your rice is cooking, wash the barberries.
Heat 1 tablespoon of butter in a small pan. Add barberries and a quarter teaspoon of saffron to the pan.
Stir in the 2 teaspoons of sugar and then remove it from heat.
After the rice has cooked, remove 1/3 of the rice and add it to the barberry/saffron pan.
Take the pot with the remaining rice as well as your potatoes and pour the rice onto a platter.
Take the rice that is mixed with the barberry/saffron and spread the rice on top of the rice and your potatoes that is on the platter.
Ta-da! Here you have the barberry persian rice! Leave a comment or reach out to Atena to let her know about your experience with this special barberry rice!